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Buying your own home is an exciting as well as frustrating procedure. Many steps are involved in buying the home of your own choice. In this article we will discuss some of the major steps that are involved in buying a home.

Decision Making

Buying your own home is the first major financial investment that many people make in their lives. People consider a lot of options before the actually make the decision. Therefore it is important to keep in mind all the facts in mind before considering this option. Because although it can be a difficult task but once you become the owner of your home all this exhaustion goes away.

Professional Assistance

The first step that holds importance in home buying process is the guidance of a real estate agent. People who start home buying process on their own often end up in chaos. Therefore it is very important to hire a professional real estate agent. Agents can guide you through the whole process and will help you in getting a suitable mortgage. In that way your lender will get to know that you are mature enough and committed in buying a home


Before you start searching for homes, get an idea about what kind of home you want to buy. Your lender will help you find a home as per your requirements. They will also guide you about current market situations and latest deals. After visiting the homes you can narrow down your options to make the final decision.

Buying Your Dream Home

Once you find the home of your choice, your agent will try to get you that place as soon and as easily as possible. With your consensus your lender will present the deal to the seller. After the seller accepts your offer, closing will be done within 30 to 60 days.

Finalize the Deal

It is quite possible that the seller will present a counter offer before your presented deal but this is not to discourage you. At this point your agent will guide you whether you should present another counter offer, reject the deal or accept the offer. This procedure can be very infuriating but you should put your trust in your agent and stay motivated.

Cost and Finance

This step also holds a lot of importance in home buying process. At this point you will be working with your mortgage lender to arrange the finances again under the assistance of your real estate agent. Your agent will guide you about mortgage lending and help you arrange a suitable mortgage deal within your budget.

Close the Deal

Once your mortgage application will get approved you’ll be presented with the closing cost and the down payment. At this point your agent will assist you about the estimated amount that you should have in your savings.

There You Go

Finally you became the home owner. The relief and excitement of being a home owner is priceless before the entire heck that you have to face during the home buying process. At this point your agent will not leave you yet. Once you move in you will be given a checklist of reminders to make your experience more delightful.
